johnbcarpenter // artworks // design // info

(c) oblong industries / los angeles, CA (2016)

Multispectral 4D imaging of heart formation and c-looping in Tg(TIE1:H2B-eYFP;PGK1:H2B-chFP) embryos, 2015-2016
A prototype collaboration with Dr. Rusty Lansford at Children's Hospital Los Angeles / USC that visualizes multispectral 4D image sets collectd by confocal microscopy every 7.5 minutes. The visualization looks at 3,000 - 4,000 cells tracked through 50 time points over 6 hours (193,252 individual data points).

Below: The software is run on three g-speak machines pushing thirty-six screens with a resolution of 23,040 x 3,240 pixels (or 74,649,600 pixels). Interactions are driven with an ultrasonic wand, and the data is temporally and spatially synced in real-time across the system.

(c) oblong industries / los angeles, CA (2016)